It’s time to

We embrace the following truths:

A sustainable business must…

  • …be based upon real consumption by paying customers. Not repeated $1000+ purchases by hopeful distributors filling their garages and basements with unsold product.

  • …allow all partners at all levels to make money. Our partners earn $20-$25 per customer every month, without any need to recruit other partners.

  • …allow for massive upside for those who do want to recruit and achieve Duplication and Scale for their business.

I’m Darren.

Get Greater Founder, Feel Great System Cofounder, Inventor of 20x5x3

My mission is to make life better. I am passionate about enabling you to become the best possible version of yourself.

I worked on the corporate side of MLM for almost 6 years, so I know how the business works. While a corporate employee, I coached the company’s current #1 North America distributor from 2,300 USD monthly income to 100,000+ USD monthly income in just 14 months.

February 1, 2022: Quit my 6-figure job to become a distributor.

May 2022: Surpassed 10,000 USD in monthly income

Oct 2022: Surpassed 50,000 USD in monthly income.

Feb 2024: Surpassed 100,000 USD in monthly income.

Thanks for stopping by! Please get in touch if you’d like to help share the love.